Education / Prevention Programs
Men Alive Outreach. A program specifically targeting the Gay/Lesbian/Bi-Sexual community providing a forum for communication about HIV/AIDS prevention and related issues of health and well-being.
Youth At Risk. AyouthfocusedIRV/AIDSprevention/oducationprogramfeataringbothpoerand adult facilitators, providing comprehensive prevention presentations to schools, juvenile detention facilities, faith youth groups, community centers, parent/teacher groups as well as concert/health fair outreach.
Woman To Woman. A program providing women with FHV/AIDS information with the goal to not only reduce the spread of HIV, but to empower women to make informed decisions regarding issues that impact their lives, their sexuality and their sexual behaviors.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing. A program providing HIV/AIDS training and education for the deaf and hard of hearing communities in Indiana focusing on accessibility to information, education and prevention in American Sign Language, and providing referrals to bridge the gaps between service providers and die deaf community.
Project Outreach. A program that provides HIV/AIDS education, counseling, support and referral for treatment and health care services for the chemically dependent, and the African-American and Hispanic communities in Indiana by way of street and community outreach efforts.
The Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MA TEC). This program provides education and training in diverse aspects of HIV/AIDS to health care professionals throughout the state of Indiana.
The Indiana HIV Advocacy Program (IHAP). This program is designed to redress discriminatory and other barriers to health care access and financing for persons infected or thought to be infected with HIV. Program services include free legal assistance to HIV affected consumers, legal education to persons with FHV, employers, health care providers and others, and development of legal and advocacy resources.
Community Action Groups (CAGs). Community Action Groups have been on the front line of the HIV epidemic, providing leadership in both urban and rural areas of Indiana. CAGs provide education and services to those affected by HIV in their respective communities. AIDServe Indiana provides the CAGs HIV leadership by offering a variety of technical support and funding through the various programs described above.
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