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Fun Stuff

An evening with Brenda!

A wonderful dinner - A silent auction - The vocal stylings of Indianapolis' own Brenda Williams (with David Meek on piano) - a benefit for Indiana Thrift for AIDS

Monday, July 9, 2001 - Doors open at 6:00pm for cash bar - Dinner and show at 7:00pm

Ruthellens - 825 North Pennsylvania, Indianapolis (317) 631-7884

How much?
Tickets $100 - on sale now - charge by phone at 317-255-4146 - or purchase in person at Indy Thrift for AIDS

Details about dinner:
limited seating (arrive early for best seats!) - ticket includes choice of entrŽe, non-alcoholic beverage, salad/soup/dessert - alcohol and gratuity not included in ticket price - entrŽes available that evening will include the chef's choice of beef, chicken, seafood and pasta dishes

Indiana Thrift for AIDS
5226 N. Keystone Court,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
(in the Target Shopping Center at 53rd and Keystone)
(317) 255-4146.
Stop and shop in our new-and-improved and 40% LARGER store!

Audition for the Indianapolis Women's Chorus

Wednesday, July 18, 7 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis,
615 W. 43rd Street

No need to prepare an audition solo. The women's chorus welcomes singers of all skill levels and encourages participation from all ages, races, faith communities and sexual orientations. Upcoming performances by the chorus include singing the national anthem at the RCA Women's Tennis Championships and performing at the Penrod Arts Fair. In addition to these and other community performanced, the chorus presents a three-concert season at the Indiana Historical Society. Call director Pam Blevins Hinkle at 329-7522 for more information and to sign up.

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Indianapolis Fundraiser Dinner

September 13, 2001

In October, 2000, a dedicated group of Indianapolis supporters of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund (the oldest and largest legal organization dedicated to advancing the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS), produced one of the most successful GLBT fundraiser that the city has experienced. Over $44,000 was raised from 250 supporters and presented to Lambda as representative of the efforts of the GLBT and community and supporters in Indiana, to further their efforts for common causes in courts across the country.

On September 13, 2001, the committee is once again hosting a fundraiser for this same benefit. The speaker, Ruth E. Harlow, is the legal director of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the oldest and largest legal organization dedicated to advancing the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS. Based in the New York headquarters, Harlow supervises LambdaŐs team of 18 lawyers and directs the organizationŐs law reform strategies.

The dinner this year will be at the new family-friendly Marriott downtown, and the cost is $130/person. As usual, approximately $90 of that will be tax deductible as Lambda is a 501C3. There promises to be a spectacular silent auction again, including airline tickets, a week in the Caymans, Ptown, and Fort Lauderdale.

For more information on the dinner, being a table captain, a sponsor, or to purchase tickets, contact Chuck Loring (), Barb Baird (), or Linda Perdue ().

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