Diversity, Inc.

Diversity, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization of the central Indiana gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community created to provide social, informational and educational programming to the community.


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Chris Gonzalez Library & Archives

gayindy.org Website

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Board of Directors


Mission Statement


Bylaws of Diversity, Inc.

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Article IV - Membership Meetings

Section 4.01 Annual Meeting.

An annual meeting of the members for the election of the Directors and transaction of other business to come before the membership shall be held each year on the first Saturday in the Month of March or within 30 days. Time shall be set by the current board and communicated as noted in section 4.03. If the day fixed for the annual meeting is a legal holiday in the State of Indiana, such meeting shall be held on the next succeeding Saturday.

Section 4.02 Special Meeting.

Special meeting of the membership may be called at any time upon proper notice by the President, a majority of the filled positions of the Board of Directors, or by written petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the current membership of the Corporation entitled to vote on the matter proposed to be considered, who shall so notify the Secretary stating the reason for such a meeting. Only such business as is authorized in the notice issued for the meeting may be transacted at a special meeting.

Section 4.03, Notice.

Written notice of the location, date and time of any membership meeting and the reason for any special membership meeting, will be sent by U.S. Mail to each currently enrolled member at their last known address not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. Notice of any meeting may be waived in writing to the Board of Directors before or after the meeting or by attendance in person at the meeting.

Section 4.04 Quorum And Voting.

(a) At all meetings of the members, whether special or annual, the members present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum. However, if a matter to be voted on at an annual meeting is not described in the meeting notice, a quorum of at least one-third (1/3) of the members eligible to vote on the matter is required.

(b) Any matter placed before the membership for voting, except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, shall be carried if approved by majority vote of the members present in person or proxy.

(c) Every member, except for an honorary member, is entitled to one vote on any matter brought before the membership. Every member has the right to vote for each seat on the Board of Directors up for election. However, a member may not cast more than one vote for a particular candidate for any particular election.

(d) At any meeting of the membership, members may participate by attending and voting in person or may vote by proxy. In order to vote by proxy, a member must deliver to the Secretary of the Corporation a signed written statement declaring that s/he grants to another specified person the authority to vote on her/his behalf.

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