align="left">GayIndy.Org :: Fun Stuff

    Here are a few differences between straight and gay/lesbian people...........

    When you're straight . . . .

      You get your name in the paper for getting married

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      You get your name in the paper for committing sodomy

    When you're straight . . . .

      You get looks of admiration when you hold your partner's hand

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      You get spat upon and jeered at when you hold your partner's hand

    When you're straight . . . .

      You get a tax break for being married

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      You cant get married

    When you're straight . . . .

      You get to keep your kids no matter how bad a parent you are

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      You get your kids taken way from you no matter how good a parent you are

    When you're straight . . . .

      You get to stay in the military if you engage in non-consensual sex

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      You get kicked out of the military if you engage in consensual sex

    When you're straight . . . .

      If you get AIDS, you're an "innocent victim"

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      If you get AIDS, you obviously "deserve" it

    When you're straight . . . .

      You have a life

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      You have a "lifestyle"

    When you're straight . . . .

      Standing up for your rights make you a participatory citizen

    When you're Lesbian or Gay . . . . . .

      Standing up for your rights makes you a "militant homosexual"


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