Gay and Lesbian Indianapolis
    Groups and Organizations: Social Groups

    Butler University Alliance

    The goals of the alliance are to promote campus awareness and understanding of topics and issues related to the homosexual and bisexual community and to provide a supportive, comfortable and confidential atmosphere for gay, lesbian, and bisexual members of the Butler community.

    The Alliance meets weekly during the school year and occasionally during the summer months. Check the Alliance home page for current information.

    The alliance's faculty advisor is Burt Woodruff. Visit their home page.

    Circle City Leather
    P.O. Box 1632
    Indianapolis, IN 46206-1632

    Leather, SM for the serious minded and the curious.

    Country Club
    (317) 579-9171
    P.O. Box 44469
    Indianapolis, IN 46204

    This group organizes regular Country and Western dances in addition to several other social events.

    (317) 921-9713
    P.O. Box 2331
    Indianapolis, IN 46206-2331

    Fellowship Indy (Founded 1977) Indy's Oldest Gay Social Club Celebrating 20 Years

    Fellowship Indianapolis is Indy's best environment to make gay friendships. Meeting continuously since 1977, we are Indiana's oldest and largest gay men's social organization. Our primary activities are monthly pitch-in dinners.

    Members are adult, single-and-coupled gay men who enjoy good company, good conversation, and the opportunity to make new friends. Many members have developed relationships ranging from pleasant acquaintances, to good friends, to committed loving relationships. Many of the gay leaders in Indianapolis are or have been members.

    We hold our pitch-in dinners each month, usually on a Saturday or Sunday evening. In summer we have pool picnics. Some months we hold a second pitch-in. Dinners take place in members' homes and clubhouses located in the metropolitan area. Each member brings a beverage (usually a soft drink) and a dish to share. In December, we hold a more formal Holiday Cocktail Party.

    Annual dues are $15. Couples living at the same address pay only one membership fee. The dues cover the costs of the newsletter and dinner utensils and supplies.

    You may contact us to get on our mailing list and for further information through E-mail at . or Write us at: Fellowship Indianapolis, Box 2331, Indianapolis, IN 46206-2331

    Our new members' officers will be delighted to contact you to send a welcome letter, get you on the mailing list, and send you a detailed page of what we are about. Also, note that we don't give out our membership list to outside persons or organizations. Welcome!

    (317) 767-5034
    P.O. Box 88765
    Indianapolis, IN 46208-0765

    Frontrunners is an international gay and lesbian organization that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1994. Our purpose is to provide support and encouragement for those who enjoy the sport of running ad walking. We welcome runners and walkers of all experience levels -- from beginners to marathon runners.

    Indy Frontrunners/Frontwalkers meets several times each week for non-competitive runs/walks that are open to the public and free of charge. Our courses range between 2.5 and 4.5 miles. Each individual is encouraged to run or walk at his or her own pace to complete as much or as little of the course as is desired. We feel that exercise can be a healthy, rewarding, and fun experience as long as you listen to your own body!

    Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6:30 PM. A run past the many fountains of the scenic downtown Canal Walk and a loop around the Indianapolis Zoo. We meet on the canal near the corner of 700 N. Senate and 300 W. Walnut.

    Saturdays at 10:00 AM.A tranquil run along the Rocky Ripple canal, through the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and the Butler University campus. We meet at Butler University's Hinkle Fieldhouse at the south end of the parking lot.

    After the run we often meet at local restaurants for informal dinners and brunches. We also get together several times throughout the year for parties, pitch-in dinners, sporting events, and various civic events.

    All event times and places are subject to change. Please call our voice mail at (317) 767-5034 for updates.

    You may contact Indy Frontrunners via the Internet by sending e-mail to .

    Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans
    P.O. Box 26100
    Indianapolis, IN 46226

    Hoosier Bears
    P.O. Box 531311
    Indianapolis, IN 46253

    Visit their home page!

    Indiana Physicians for Human Rights
    P.O. Box 501915
    Indianapolis, IN 46250-1915

    Indianapolis Men's Chorus
    Crossroads Performing Arts
    609 E. 29th Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46205
    24-Hour InfoLine is (317) 931-9464
    Visit their web page!

    The Men's Chorus is now offering a premier recording, No One Is Alone. The CD costs $15 and the tape costs $10. Add $2 for shipping and handling.

    Send your check, money order or credit card information to the address above. If paying by credit card, include the card type, card number, expiration date, and your signature.

    Indianapolis Women's Chorus
    Crossroads Performing Arts
    609 E. 29th Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46205
    24-Hour InfoLine is (317) 931-9464
    Visit their web page!

    Indy Gay Volleyball League

    The league plays on Tuesday nights from 8 - 10 at Capitol Sport Center, located at Old Meridian & Epler Avenue on the south side.

    Indy Outfields
    (317) 923-8550
    (317) 923-8505 FAX
    133 W. Market Street
    Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2801

    Indy's GLB Recreational Sporting Organization

    There is a great new way of meeting and getting to know other gay people in the Indianapolis area. A group of dedicated individuals have gotten together to establish a gay athletic/outdoor association. The group has been christened Indy OUTfields. Our mission is to promote a spectrum of sporting and recreational activities for gays, lesbians and our friends.

    Indy OUTfields is dedicated to getting more gays and lesbians involved in the current activities available as well as fostering new ones.

    Listed below are some of the new athletic & recreational groups forming as well as several already established and well-known organized groups:

    Basketball, Bowling, Camping, Canoeing, Caving, Diving, Hiking, Martial Arts, Golf, Motorcycling, Mountain Biking, Racquetball, Rock Climbing, Running, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, and Volleyball.

    Into a sport or activity that you don't see on the list? Let us hear from you! We want to help make it happen! And, by the way, don't feel that you have to be a world-class athlete to participate in these groups. It doesn't matter! First and foremost, these groups are social - just a different, and we think perhaps a better way of meeting other gays and lesbians around town.

    Information on playing fields, meeting times, team standings/scores, etc., will be included in editions of OUTlines.

    This is your chance to make a positive contribution to the community through your interest. Please make plans to join us today, and bring a friend!

    IXE - Iota Chi Sigma
    P.O. Box 20710
    Indianapolis, IN 46220
    (317)971-6976 - Voice Mail
    (812) 876-8635 - Gloria in Bloomington
    (812) 460-0694 - Gerri in Terre Haute

    Visit their Web Page!

    IXE is an open gender support group here in Indianapolis, interested in helping gender conflicted persons in the context of a monthly social meeting. We, as a group, welcome all gender conflicted persons, their spouses or SOs, we exclude no one who consider themselves gender conflicted. This includes people who consider themselves TV (transvestite), TS (transsexual), TG (transgendered) or those who do not want to label themselves or put themselves in a box. We are a support group only. None of us have the proper training to give you therapy if you require it.

    IXE will not give out the names and addresses of any of our members or non members, even if they request it. This is for your protection, not ours. IXE does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, race, creed, age or affectional preference.

    IXE publishes a monthly newsletter. It informs the reader of local and national events as well as giving news and articles from members and other groups across the country. Membership in IXE is $28.00 per year. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter, membership is $10.00 per person. All checks for membership should be made out to "IXE" and sent to the address above.

    Lambda Car Club
    (317) 686-1626
    P.O. Box 90193
    Indianapolis, IN 46240

    Lavendula Garden Club
    6908 Munsee Lane
    Indianapolis, IN 46260

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual People in Medicine

    Meetings are held monthly for people in the medical field and their friends.

    Send E-mail to or call Chris at 965-4615.

    MAGiC (Midwest Area Gay Couples) Gay Male Couples/Relationship
    (317) 357-5346
    P. O. Box 11493
    Indianapolis, IN  46201

    MAGiC is a social support group, for gay males in any type of relationship commitment to foster friendship and join together in
    monthly activities: Dinners, Pitch-Ins, Theme Parties, Outings, Bowling, Game Nights, Day Trips, etc.

    Contact us for Membership Applications and Information Flyers!

    Men Over 40 -- Pitch-in / Potlock Dinners
    Call (317) 879-9146 and ask for Terry
    E-mail .

    Over 40 year of age, that is! The previous potlucks have been so successful, we decided to do it every month. This is an excellent opportunity for the men over 40 in our group who want to meet friends closer to their own age and experiences.

    Make your favorite dish to share with everyone and bring a beverage to drink to the event. If your are interested in attending, hosting a pitch-in, or would like more information, such as time and place, please contact: Terry at 317-879-9146 or E-mail .

    P.O. Box 44234
    Indianapolis, IN 46202

    Lesbian Pitch-In
    Each month a Pitch-In dinner his held by/for the Lesbian Community. The dinner is held on the second Friday of every month. Call the Gay/Lesbian Switchboard (630-4297) for the contact number for each month's event.

    Partners: Lesbian Couples
    (317) 826-9011
    (317) 826-9075 FAX

    Come and join the wonderful people in Partners for fun social activities every month! Over one year ago, I founded the group Partners for lesbian couples looking to make friends with other lesbian couples in the area. The group has spawned many long-term friendships and has proved to be a wonderful arena for networking, socializing and getting to know your fellow lesbian couples in the community. Every month we get together for pitch-ins, wine tastings, dinner out, etc. If you are interested in more information about the group, please e-mail me at or use the phone and fax numbers listed above for obtaining more information. On behalf of all Partners, we look forwarding to meeting you!

    OPAS: Our Parents Aren't Straight
    P.O. Box 53649
    Indianapolis, IN 46253-0649

    Open Doors (Lafayette)
    Lafayette, Indiana

    Voice Mail: (765)296-6007
    E-mail them at
    Visit their web page!

    Open Doors is Lafayette's LesBiGay Social Group. The group exists to provide the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered population with an exciting, healthy place to grow, make friends and develop community.

    Out & About Indiana
    (317) 923-8550
    (317) 923-8505 FAX
    133 West Market Street, #105
    Indianapolis, IN, 46204-2801

    This group, in existence since 1991, is the largest Gay and Lesbian organization in the state of Indiana. Out & About's organizes a multitude of social activities every month. The organization publishes a monthly newsletter, Outlines.

    The PRIDE
    1400 E. Hanna Ave.
    Indianapolis, IN 46227
    E-mail them at:

    The PRIDE at The University of Indianapolis
    The PRIDE meets monthly during the school year and occasionally in the summer. We are a support network for glbt students as well as a tool to help increase aw areness of glbt issues throughout the campus community. Meetings may consist of guest speakers, social activities, films and community service.

    Purdue LesBiGay Network
    Room 405, Heavilon Hall
    (317) 496-1647

    Purdue LesBiGay Network
    Purdue Memorial Union, Box 512
    West Lafayette, IN 47906

    Visit their Home Page.

    Purdue Newsgroup is: purdue.student-org.les-bi-gay

    The Network is an organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered graduate, undergraduate, and non-traditional students, who have banded together in order to promote a sense of community in a comfortable and secure atmosphere and attend to the social, emotional, and political needs of the homosexual, bisexual and transsexual population. The Network also seeks to provide such services as advocacy, information, referrals, and general support not only to its members but also for the lesbigay population at large. Lesbigay faculty, staff, non-students, and friends of the lesbigay population are welcome.

    The Network also sponsors projects such as The Speaker's Bureau, a group of lesbigay men and women who speak to students in their classes about the experiences and problems of being homo/bisexual. The Network presents gay/lesbian films and stages dances. In April the Network produces the annual Purdue Lesbigay Film Festival.

    The Network meets twice a month on alternate Mondays at 5:30 PM in LAEB 2290 during the academic year. Meetings are listed on the "Calendar" in the Purdue "Exponent," the "Campus Weekly," and posted on bulletin boards around campus. Dues are $5 per semester.

    Purdue Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alumni Group
    PO Box 254
    Fredonia, NY 14063

    E-mail at

    The Purdue Gay, Lesbian and Bi Alumni Group is a network of gay, lesbian and bisexual graduates of Purdue University. Our purpose is 1) to be a social and networking group for gay, lesbian and bi alumni, 2) help insure visibility of gay and lesbian issues at Purdue, and 3) support current students when they ask for our help.

    We provide our members a connection to Purdue and a way you can help improve the Purdue experience for today's gay, lesbian and bi students. We publish two newsletters each year which will keep you informed of current issues on campus, host an on-campus meeting/social event with other alumni, compile a membership directory, and provide other social and business networking opportunities.

    We would love to have you as a member. Please e-mail us at [email protected] for membership information. Or send your name and address to us at Purdue Gay, Lesbian & Bi Alumni Group; PO Box 254; Fredonia, NY 14063. Thanks... we look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Women in the Arts, Inc.

    P.O. Box 3315
    Bloomington IN 47402
    Phone: 317-726-0163

    Bringing GLBT Youth Support Out of the Closet and into the Community

    Provide a safe space for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning (GLBTQ) youth and their supportive peers (under 21) to share unconditional support, education, and social activities without the fear of rejection, abuse or otherwise harmful experiences.

    You B Youth Support Group is a professionally-trained, volunteer-run, group of youth (under age 21) who meet weekly to discuss problems, share successes, and otherwise socialize in a safe environment. To find out about You B Youth meetings visit the guidelines page for more information.

    Concord Center
    1310 South Meridian
    Indianapolis, IN

    (first meeting September 24th, 1997)
    Every Wednesday

    You B Youth is a primarily volunteer-run organization. Because of this, there are multiple roles that volunteers can play. Currently, You B Youth offers one support group located in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. For information about how you can support the work of You B Youth contact Michele by mail, phone or email.

    YOU B YOUTH-CONCORD, Program Director
    Michele O'Mara, MSW, ACSW, CCSW, ACRPS, will be responsible for coordinating the You B Youth Support Group, and she will train and oversee the adult volunteers involved. Michele is the founder of a national resource organization called Wildflower Resource Network. This non-profit program is a national resource for professionals who work with GLBT youth. She also has a private practice in Bloomington, Indiana, where she works as a therapist with a diverse population of clients.