Mission Statement and Preamble
The purpose of the Indy Gay Basketball Association (IGBA) is to provide a formal structure for a recreational basketball league in the Indianapolis area. Sponsored activities shall be inclusive and individuals shall be free from discrimination based on race, religion, creed, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political belief(s), athletic ability, physical challenge or HIV status. Emphasis is on the participation of members in the gay community. The IGBA also provides for social activities for its membership. Moreover, the IGBA is committed to provide charitable donations to the community.
The IGBA will not divulge any personal information such as first names, last names, photos, e-mail addresses, or phone numbers without the written permission of the member. Our activities are gay friendly but very discrete. The only people who will know you participate will be other members of the IGBA.
IGBA Membership
1.00 Individual
1.01 Eligibility:
a) Membership in the IGBA will be open to any legal adult who, in good faith, wishes to participate in activities and submits his/her annual non-refundable membership dues prior to the established deadline.
b) Each player will be required to sign a Conduct Statement and Waiver and Release of Liability prior to playing or practicing with any IGBA team or participating in any organization function.
1.02 All IGBA members shall be entitled to the following.
a) One (1) vote at all general membership meetings.
b) All benefits, rights and privileges as defined in these By-Laws.
IGBA Operations/Officers
2.00 Executive Committee/Operation of IGBA
2.01 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, along with one Men’s Representative and one Women’s Representative and Past President.
2.02 Executive Committee meetings and General Membership meetings shall be chaired by the President using Robert's Rules of Order or other rules of order as established by the Executive Committee.
2.03 Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote.
2.04 In addition to the powers and duties delegated to the Executive Committee by or under these By-Laws, the Executive Committee shall have those powers necessary and proper for the efficient conduct of IGBA business.
2.05 The Executive Committee shall bear all appeals made from rulings of the President and may uphold or reverse him/her pursuant to these By-laws and the rules made hereunder.
2.06 The Executive Committee shall approve all expenditures of IGBA funds only in accordance with Section Four of these By-Laws.
2.07 The Executive Committee shall establish new committees.
2.08 The Executive Committee may from time to time amend the By-Laws, under the procedure established by Section Seven of these By-Laws.
2.09 The President can appoint an acting Secretary at an Executive Committee meeting if necessary. The acting Secretary will not inherit the Secretary's vote.
2.10 Any elected officer may be impeached and removed from office only at a General Membership meeting called for this specific purpose.
2.11 In case of vacancy of an IGBA official other than the President and Past President, the Executive Committee will appoint another IGBA member to fill the position and perform the duties of that office on an interim basis until a special election is held at the first General Membership meeting that is beyond two weeks after the vacancy.
2.12 Quorum and approval requirements shall be as follows:
a) Executive Committee Meetings:
1. A two-thirds quorum shall be required to vote on major expenditures of IGBA funds, to rule on appeals of President's rulings, to call for General Membership meetings, or to propose an amendment to these By-Laws.
2. A majority of those voting shall rule in any case except as noted in these By-Laws.
b) General Membership Meetings:
1. Proper notice, containing the date, time, place, and proposed agenda shall be given to all IGBA members.
2. At least one IGBA officer must be present at any General Membership meeting.
3. There shall be no quorum requirement.
4. A majority vote of those IGBA members in attendance shall rule, except as noted in these By-Laws.
5. There shall be a minimum of four General Membership meetings per calendar year. Amendment 1 – 11/15/2002
2.13 Appeals from rulings of the Executive Committee, impeachment proceedings, amendments to the Constitution, and special financial levies shall be voted on by General Membership.
2.14 A General Membership meeting for the purpose of impeachment of any officer may be called by a three-fourths majority of the General Membership. Any officer so impeached shall be removed from office only upon a two-thirds majority vote in favor of such removal by those members present at such a meeting.
2.15 Except for impeachment proceedings, any matter may be acted upon by the General Membership or may be the subject of a referendum. Any referendum shall become binding upon the affirmative vote of an absolute majority of the General Membership.
2.16 Executive Committee will approve President’s selections for Committee Chairs
2.17 Each committee shall include at least one member of the Executive Committee.
2.18 The Indy Gay Basketball Association can be dissolved only by a 2/3 vote of
the membership. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the
Distribution of Assets in a manner that meets the requirements set forth by
the State of Indiana and the Federal Government. Said distribution should
include payment of any outstanding debt and contribution of the remainder to
charitable organizations as decided by the Executive Committee or its
appointees. Amendment 2 – 11/15/2002
2.20 Officers
2.21 President:
a) Shall preside at all General Membership meetings and all Executive Committee meetings.
b) Shall set agendas for the Executive Committee meetings at least one (1) week in advance.
c) Shall be responsible for appointing committee chairs, Executive Committee must approve appointments.
d) Shall be responsible, along with the IGBA Secretary, for compiling IGBA balloting.
e) Shall be chief administrator, representative, and spokesperson for the IGBA, and as such, shall be responsible for the efficient conduct of all IGBA business.
f) Shall settle disputes concerning these By-Laws and the rules made hereunder subject to the review of the Executive Committee.
g) Shall co-sign all IGBA checks and withdrawal orders on IGBA accounts.
h) Shall appoint an acting secretary for any meeting at which the secretary is absent. Such acting secretary shall not vote, however, unless authorized to do so.
2.22 Vice President:
a) Shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the President's resignation, impeachment, or other absence or disability.
b) Shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
c) Shall act as Parliamentarian at Executive Committee meetings and General Membership meetings.
2.23 Secretary:
a) Shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
b) Shall maintain all IGBA documents, including but not limited to, minutes, By-Laws, rules, rosters, and correspondence, and shall make the same available for inspection by any IGBA member upon request.
c) Shall be responsible for giving one week's prior notice to all Executive Committee members of Executive Committee meetings. Such notice shall contain the date, time and place of the meeting and the agenda, as well as a copy of the minutes from the previous regularly scheduled meeting.
d) Shall keep accurate records of all IGBA meetings, both General Membership and Executive Committee.
e) Shall be responsible for communication to the General membership.
f) Shall be responsible for maintaining a mailing list of all current IGBA members. Such list will not be released to anyone other than an IGBA officer for IGBA business without Executive Committee approval.
2.24 Treasurer:
a) Shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
b) Shall keep accurate records of all IGBA income expenditures and collection of funds and shall make such records available for inspection by any IGBA member upon request.
c) Shall have custody of all IGBA funds, which shall be maintained separately in the name of the IGBA.
d) Shall co-sign all IGBA checks and withdrawal orders upon IGBA accounts.
e) Shall submit an annual financial report.
f) Shall submit an itemized Treasurer's report at every General Membership meeting.
g) Shall prepare and present a budget at an Executive Committee meeting.
j) Shall act as the purchasing agent for the IGBA.
k) Shall submit necessary tax information to proper authorities.
2.25 Past President:
a) Shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee
b) If the office of Past President is vacated, it shall remain vacant.
2.26 Member Representing Women:
a) Shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee
b) Shall act as a representative to all female members and voice their concerns at Executive Meetings.
c) Shall be elected by those identifying themselves as female on their Membership Application.
d) Shall be responsible for recruiting and retaining women members.
2.27 Member Representing Men:
a) Shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee
b) Shall act as a representative for all male members and voice their concerns at Executive Meetings.
c) Shall be elected by those identifying themselves as male on their Membership Application.
d) Shall be responsible for recruiting and retaining men members.
3.00 IGBA Officers
3.01 Eligibility:
a) Any IGBA member may run for office upon nomination and second by other IGBA members. No IGBA member may nominate more than one person for the same office each year.
b) Members may only hold one (1) office.
c) Terms of office will be one year.
d) Members may run for election, upon nomination to an unlimited number of terms.
3.02 IGBA officers shall be elected by the general membership of the IGBA. There will be no quorum requirement for the election of officers.
3.03 The election of IGBA officers shall be at the annual Election/General Membership meeting.
3.04 Candidates will be allowed to speak before the General Membership at the Election/General Membership meeting in a format to be determined by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may establish any other procedures for the conduct of elections, which are consistent with these By-Laws.
3.05 Election shall be held by secret ballot after candidates are allowed to speak.
3.06 The candidate that receives the most votes wins. In case of a tie, the candidates that are tied will have a run off(s).
3.07 The term of the new IGBA officers shall commence after the Election and on the date of August 1st.
3.08 Any elected officer may be impeached and removed from office only at a general membership meeting called for this specific purpose.
3.09 Executive Committee shall appoint an Election Committee, consisting of at least three members, including a chair to compile the voting.
4.00 Fees & Dues
4.01 Sponsorship fees and individual membership fees and dues will be established by the Executive Committee.
4.10 Expenditure of IGBA Funds
4.11 All IGBA finances must be approved by the Executive Committee.
4.12 Expenditures for referees, IGBA playing equipment, and court fees, if any, shall have priority over all other expenditures.
4.13 The Executive Committee may authorize the expenditure of IGBA funds by approving a budget for a particular committee or purpose.
4.14 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section or these By-Laws, no amount of IGBA funds shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to IGBA officers or members, except that the IGBA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services actually rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the corporation's purposes.
4.15 A fund shall be drawn from IGBA revenues for use by IGBA officers in the performance of their administrative duties as outlined in the IGBA budget.
4.16 The IGBA fiscal year will end on June 30th of each year.
4.20 Awards
4.21 Awards shall be determined at a later date.
5.00 Membership
5.01 Membership dues shall be due on July 1. A pro-rated amount will be due to new members after January 1.
5.02 The current annual membership dues will be $10. The pro-rated amount due after January 1 will be $5.
5.03 All fully paid members will receive a $2 discount from the court fees, which will be $7.
6.00 Individual
6.01 Shall be determined at a later date.
Amendments and Adoption
7.00 Amendments and Adoption
7.10. These By-Laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of the Executive Committee. However, amendments to these By-Laws, except those pertaining to IGBA Rules and Penalties under Section Five and Section Six, must be ratified upon an affirmative vote in favor of ratification by an absolute majority of IGBA members at an IGBA membership meeting.
Amendment 1
Section 2.12, b, 5 CHANGE FROM FOUR TO TEN
There shall be a minimum of four General Membership meetings per calendar
year. November 15, 2002.
Amendment 2
Section 2.18 ADDITION TO BY LAWS, Statement of Dissolution
The Indy Gay Basketball Association can be dissolved only by a 2/3 vote of
the membership. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the
Distribution of Assets in a manner that meets the requirements set forth by
the State of Indiana and the Federal Government. Said distribution should
include payment of any outstanding debt and contribution of the remainder to
charitable organizations as decided by the Executive Committee or its