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15th Annual Grande Masquerade to Benefit the Damien Center

On October 25 and 26, 2002 the 15th annual Grande Masquerade will be held to benefit the Damien Center. Over the past 14 years, [Photo] Grande Masqueradethe event has received much notoriety and attention, successfully raising awareness about HIV and AIDS in Indianapolis and surrounding communities. The event is the Damien Center's largest fund-raiser with all of the proceeds going to provide services to individuals who have been touched by HIV/AIDS.

The Grande Masquerade features a black-tie gala on Friday October 25 at the Indiana Roof Ballroom and a Costume Extravaganza at Industry on Saturday October 26. Tickets may be purchased online or they can be purchased at the Damien Center and other local outlets. For more information check the event website.

Community of Love to Hold Youth HIV/AIDS Conference

The second Youth/young adult conference on HIV/AIDS titled "Teach One About HIV/AIDS...Pass the Knowledge On" for ages 12-24 will be held on October 19 at George Washington Middle School. Breakout sessions on various topics including Stigmas associated with HIV/AIDS, fears of getting tested, etc. Sponsored by Community Of Love, the event is free, but advance registration is required. For more information or to register a youth group visit the website at or contact by .

Support GayIndy.Org Online!

You can now help support our community service efforts safely and securely online with a donation as small as $1.00 with's Honor System. You can donate anonymously or let us know that you've helped out. We are an all-volunteer organization, and 100% of your donation will be used to cover basic costs. Make a Donation

Indy Gay Basketball League

Photo: Indy Gay Basketball League, one of GayIndy.Org's Hosted Websites. If your not-for-profit organization would like an address with Indy's #1 GLBT resource site

Stonewall Democrats Celebrate Sheila Kennedy's "Coming Out"

The Indiana Stonewall Democrats will be celebrating Sheila Kennedy's "coming out" (as a Democrat!) on Friday, October 11, 2002 [Photo] Shiela Kennedy at the Omni Severin Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. "I can no longer kid myself," Shiela writes in a recent issue of The Word, "Republicans just don’t attract me any more."

The party will recognize Sheila's well-known and long-time advocacy for gay/lesbian rights. You can find her on the web at

Tickets range from $50 to $250; reservations can be made through Wednesday, October 9th by e-mail to or by calling 317-767-2762. More Info

Mutualfriends Autumn Fest Scheduled for October 26

The Mutualfriends first annual Autumn Festival will be held on October 26 at Stoney Creek Farms from 6:30-11:30. The event will feature a hayride, bonfire, pumpkin carving contest and children's costume contest.

Describing itself as a "non-dating" service, Mutualfriends.Org is a growing online friendship community for Indianapolis and surrounding area GLBT people. More information about the group and the Autumn Fest can be found at


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