Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives-

All material in the Library and Archives is assigned a classification. The following classifications are used:

Aids Med Medical issues and informationa bout Aids
Aids Soc Social issues about Aids
Art Drawings
Astrology Astrology
Bio Biographics of other people
Bio-A Autobiographies
Bio-G Collections of biographies of different persons
Children books for young children
Cook cook books
Crit Criticism Books about books
Drama Plays
Fic Fiction.  all novels and short stories except for the special class below
Fic Anth Anthologys.  collections of works by different authors
Fic Mys Mysteries
Fic SiFi Science fiction and Fantasy. anthologys of sifi by different authors under Anth
Fic West Westerns
Film the movies
Film Script film scripts. shelved with drama
His History
Humor includes cartoons including adult comic strips
Law Law
Med The how-to books
Photo photography
Poetry Poetry
Psy psychology. the whys of gay, also books about counseling
Ref Reference books
Rel Religion, spirituality
Soc Sociology
Travel Travel

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