This GLBT RESOURCE GUIDE FOR CENTRAL INDIANA has been compiled utilizing all volunteer efforts. This GUIDE represents an ongoing work in progress. The information contained herein is current and accurate to the best of our collective abilities, but absolutely no warranties are made by THE GAY & LESBIAN SWITCHBOARD nor any of its officers or representatives regarding the GUIDE’s total and complete accuracy.

If any business or professional person or organization listed herein requests by Email () that reasonable editorial changes be made in its descriptive copy of the GUIDE, that request shall will be honored within 1 week of receiving notice. We do, however, reserve the right to decline any request at our own discretion.

It is not the intent of THE GAY & LESBIAN SWITCHBOARD to convey the message that all individuals, businesses or organizations listed in this GUIDE are necessarily known to be reputable, ethical or trustworthy. If we become aware that certain parties seem clearly not to be such, they will be removed from the GUIDE. However, just because a party is listed herein does not constitute a recommendation.

Furthermore, because an individual, business, professional service or other resource is listed herein, it should not be implied nor inferred that the resource is owned or managed by someone who is homosexual, bisexual, or is someone who falls within any other sexual orientation or sociological category. To the best of our collective knowledge, persons associated with the resources listed herein are known to be open-minded and welcoming with regard to conducting commercial, professional or other transactions with members of the GLBT population. If any person or organization listed herein requests to be removed from the GUIDE that request will be honored within 1 week.

If any legitimate business or professional person or organization not listed herein requests in writing to be added to the GUIDE, that request will be honored within 1 month. We do, however, reserve the right to decline any request at our own discretion.