Referral and

Lesbian Social and Support Groups

Lesbian Pitch-Ins

7:30 2nd Friday of each month - Different women's homes each month. For location and directions, call Just Cards. 638-1170

Women's Coffee

Abbey Coffee House, 771 Massachusetts Ave. Connect with others for conversation, laughter & networking in the community. Everyone welcome. Every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. For more information, contact Kristen by Email at , or by phone at 923-8267.

Women’s Chorus

Crossroads Performing Arts
(317) 931-9464 (24 hours per day)
Visit their website.

Mature Lesbian Discussion Group

7:30 PM - 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month. IBC classroom at 121 S. Ridgeview in the Irvington Plaza. Contact Joyce at (317) 356-1582.

Sister Friend

Mentor service to connect searching women with established community members.  Not a dating service.  Sister Friend has a social on the 4th Friday of each month at D.T. Abbey Coffeehouse (corner of Massachusetts and College) Volunteers, and those seeking a mentor should call (317) 255-1343 or send an Email to .

Women in the Arts

Call (317)927-9355, Press 1 for WIA and membership info, press 2 to listen to calendar of current local activities, press 3 for information about the Women's Festival.
Email them at
Visit their website at

Coming Out Support Group for Women

7p.m. - 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month
2057 North New Jersey (WIA office)
Contact Christine at (317)255-1343 or send an Email to .

Wednesday Evening Professional/Social Group for Women

After work, every Wednesday evening at Utopia. 924 N. Pennsylvania

Lesbian Mom’s Support/Discussion Group

7 PM 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. 807 N. Delaware (Unity Church Meeting Room) Kids welcome and will be in separate room. Contact Diane at 317-865-7783 or email


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