About the 1998 Staff

This year's staff is a very diverse bunch, most of whom are members of the Indiana Youth Group. You can read up on them here, send them e-mail, and see what they look like so you can recognize them at the event!


Jacob Eiler, Chief Coordinator
Jacob Eiler has been with YOUTHpride since its beginning in January of this year. Chairperson of the Steering Committee and the Registration Committee, and Co-Chair of the Publicity and Promotions Committee, he has worked hard to ensure that everyone has a great time. "Working on YOUTHpride's first event has been the most stressful project I have ever undertaken; however, as a team, we are ready to put on this year's event and we are confident that the event will be awesome!"
Chessie Smith, Publicity/Promotions Chair
Chessie Smith has also been with YOUTHpride from the get-go. Chessie is currently chairperson of the Publicity/Promotions Committee, which handles all of our publicity and promotions for this wonderful event. Way to go, Chessie!
Jeremiah Wilkes, Entertainment Committee Chair
Jeremiah Wilkes has worked hard, along with Tina Sellers, to provide an entertaining event for you. Organizing bands, comedians, and speakers to entertain you the entire day wasn't easy! Thank them when you see them at the YOUTHpride '98!
Tina Sellers, Entertainment Committee Co-Chair
Tina Sellers works right along-side Jeremiah to provide lots of entertainment in a varied format. Once again, thank her when you see her there!
Sarah Long, Parking Committee Chair
An important job, Sarah Long is responsible for the safe parking of cars for this event. She is in charge of the security for all vehicles, and will make sure no one hits you when you're pulling out of your spot alongside Military Park.
Meghan Arnold, Communications Chair
You've probably already spoken with Meghan Arnold, our Communications Chairperson. She's the one that handles all of our phone calls, mailings, and other communication-like stuff. Way to go Meghan! Craig Key and Chessie Smith are also members of this committee. Meghan is also the Co-Chair of the Food and Beverage Committee.
An Parish, Decorations Committee Chair
An Parish, an artist herself, is our Chairperson for the Decorations Committee. Thank An for her wonderful work on this year's decor at the event.
Leah Lesuer, Decorations Committee Co-Chair
Leah Lesuer, the youngest on our staff, has worked with An to make sure your event is the best it can possibly be by making it look good. Thanks Leah!
Craig Key, Public Safety Coordinator
Don't worry about bee stings or sprained ankles, because Craig Key has it all worked out. As our Public Safety coordinator, Craig has made sure that we have medical staff on-site to help you should you need it. He's also got a security team who will take care of any problems you might have.
Dominique Ball, Registration Committee Chair
Working along-side our Chief Coordinator, Dominique has made sure that everyone gets registered for this event, and is eligable for their prizes, which will be given out all day to registered participants. Make sure you go and see him at the Registration booth on June 27th!
Brittney King, Organizational Committee Chair
Brittney King is another one of the "founders," so-to-speak. She handles all of the organization of newsletters, Public Service Announcements, and other organization stuff. Thanks Brit!

Indiana Youth Group Staff
An awesome group of people at a youth services agency called the Indiana Youth Group have helped us out a lot! Thanks to Mary Fran Crowley, Office Manager; Steve Laughner, Executive Director; Cindy Conneley, Outreach Coordinator; Michael Dettner, Health Case Worker; and Michelle Mucinski, Social Case Worker. The Indiana Youth Group is also a major sponsor of this year's event.

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