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Is Your Business Reaching Indy Visitors?


Indy Rainbow Chamber of Commerce
How can GLBT's and our allies better market their business to those visiting Indianapolis? Millions of dollars are spent each year by visitors to the Indianapolis area in many of our area businesses.

On December 7th the Indianapolis Rainbow Chamber of Commerce, along with representatives from the Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Bloomington Bureau of Tourism and the Marriott Hotel, will host a roundtable discussion for marketing GLBT and GLBT friendly businesses to the convention and tourist market. The event will also serve as the Indy Rainbow Chamber's December monthly Networking Social.

Panel participants will include John Sobieralski, Convention Sales Manager, Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association, Bruce Livingstone, Director of Catering, Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, and Rob DeCleene, Services Manager from the Bloomington Bureau of Tourism.

The event will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, 350 W. Maryland Street. Anyone interested in attending should RSVP to James Kuester, There is no cost for Chamber members; the fee for non members are $10.

  Indy Rainbow Chamber Website News
News Headlines
Justices preserve gay mom's quest
The high court lets stand a Washington ruling that a lesbian may seek parental rights to a child she helped raise as a "de facto parent."
George Michael in traffic flap again
Motorists tell a London tabloid they encountered the pop star asleep in traffic behind the wheel of his Range Rover over the weekend.
Cleric's site removes anti-gay fatwa
Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani pulls an order to kill gays from his Web site, but does not rescind it entirely; an anti-lesbian fatwa stays in place.
Veterans to appeal anti-gay ruling
As expected, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network takes its challenge to the military service ban to an appellate court.
Court won't rush marriage-ad appeal
The Supreme Court refused Monday to speed up an appeal by a conservative organization seeking to air a radio ad on same-sex marriage around election time.