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About GayIndy.Org

[photo] IndianapolisGayIndy.Org is a not-for-profit volunteer organization designed to be an online clearinghouse of information for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender community in Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.

GayIndy.Org was started in May 1995 by Ken Shay, and in a short time, the site became the #1 online resource for the local GLBT community.

By early 1996 an e-mail distribution list was started to keep people informed about events, activities and entertainment. The eList continues to serve as one of the community's most vital communication vehicles.

In early 1998, the site became part of Diversity, Inc., a not-for-profit community service organization dedicated to providing information resources to the community.

GayIndy.Org was re-worked and modernized in the fall of 2002. Several new features were added, including expanded news and events, an automated community calendar, free classified ads, and automated business and organization listings.

Diversity, Inc. was dissolved in April 2003, and the site continues to operate as a commercial-free volunteer community service project. GayIndy received another "facelift" in the summer of 2005, where it received its current look and substantial new content.

Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

P.O. Box 47276
Indianapolis, IN 46247

Jeff Newman

All materials on this website are © 1995-2007 GayIndy.Org. Re-distribution of material is subject to restrictions as outlined in the site Legal Notice. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any submissions to this website.

Indiana Equality