Posted: March 29, 2003
IYG Announces Youth Tobacco Prevention ProgramBy
GayIndy.Org News
Indianapolis-- Are GLBT youth the specific target of tobacco companies?
"Absolutely", says Indiana Youth Group's Program Coordinator Josette Dallas, adding that "just like depression, drug use, and suicide, the rates of smoking are higher in the GLBT community than the community at large." She points out that OUT magazine recently named tobacco company Phillip Morris as its number one "company who cares" about the lesbian and gay community.
According to the American Legacy Foundation, whose "Truth" campaign is aimed at reducing and preventing tobacco use by young people, estimated smoking rates for GLBT youth range from 38 percent to 59 percent, far above the approximately 30 percent national average for all adolescents.
In light of these alarming statistics, Indiana Youth Group has announced an effort to prevent and reduce tobacco use among the state's GLBT young people. The organization has planned a series of meetings to produce a statewide "statement to youth" about smoking, as well as a plan of action for the coming year.
Beginning in April and going through August, the meetings will be held on the first Saturday of each month from 1 to 3 pm at Indiana Youth Group's facility. IYG is inviting any and all Indiana GLBT organizations, as well as smoking prevention and cessation organizations, and any persons who care about the health and well being of GLBT youth, to attend the meetings.
IYG is offering to help with hotel and travel accommodations if needed. Anyone interested in attending may simply show up, or for more information and assistance with travel or lodging you can contact Josette Dallas at (317) 541-8726 or e-mail
Founded in 1987, Indiana Youth Group provides support and development for self-identified gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. The organization has been featured on numerous national outlets, including ABC's 20/20, PBS' In the Life TV, and Rolling Stone magazine.
"The issue of smoking in the GLBT community is an issue Indiana Youth Group is highly concerned about and takes very seriously," says Dallas. "One thing that the tobacco industry doesn't have is community support. Let's show them that we do".
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