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Posted: Februrary 2, 2003

Cincinnati Expands Its Hate Crimes Law

In a 7-2 vote, the Cincinnati City Council expanded the city's hate crimes law on Wednesday to include crimes based on sexual orientation.

The protected categories also factor in gender, age and mental disability. The city's existing law had already covered race, color, religion and national origin.

"It is an issue of tolerance ? and, ultimately, it's about being proud of our city," said Councilman John Cranley, who introduced the measure. "It is standing up for the dignity of all life."

Councilman Chris Monzel opposed the change because he said it is unnecessary. "To me, it is a duplication of crimes already on the books," he said.

According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, Mayor Charles Luken said he would sign the ordinance, with applies to hate-motivated misdemeanors, not felonies.

Citing the city's "hostile reputation toward gay people," Seth Kilbourn, national field director for the Human Rights Campaign, called the new law a "major victory."

"This win shows real progress and hopefully signifies a bright future for Cincinnati in which discrimination is a thing of the past," he said in a written statement.

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