About YOUTHpride '98
YOUTHpride is a totally youth-run subsidiary of the Indiana Youth Group, a youth services organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Indiana Youth Group (IYG) has chapters throughout the state, and serves self-identified gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth ages 14-21 and 21-24. You can visit their website at http://gayindy.org/iyg/.
YOUTHpride '98 will unite youth from all ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. YOUTHpride '98 intends to encourage healthy living, both physical and mental, by hosting volunteer opportunities, college, and job fairs, and by having various health-issues booths. Entertainment is planned for the entire day, including live bands, comedians, and guest speakers, to liven up the event and make it fun.
YOUTHpride '98 is an attempt to do what many people have already tried to do, but in a different way. YOUTHpride '98 is an attempt at uniting people who have many differences, but one common likeness: they are human beings. Instead of disputing those differences, YOUTHpride encourages youth to be proud of them, and to help mainstream them to become a better, more accepted part of society.
This year's event, YOUTHpride '98, is the inaugural year for YOUTHpride. It will be held at the beautiful Military Park on Indiana University - Purdue University's campus in downtown Indianapolis. Why not stay the night in one of Indy's hotels and do some shopping the next day at Indianapolis's largest shopping complex: Circle Center Mall. Take a walk on the CanalWalk, Indianapolis's georgeous canal capturing the beauty of the White River at White River State Park, or just stroll through downtown Indianapolis on a warm, summer day.
We are confident that you will enjoy YOUTHpride '98. In fact, we are so confident that we are even making sure of it by giving away prizes all day. So, if you are registered to attend the event (which you must be to be eligible for the prizes), don't forget to stop by the Registration booth to pick up your materials on the day of the event!
Thank you for your interest in YOUTHpride '98!
We welcome you to our event...Click here for our press releases
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