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Available Services
GayIndy.Org maintains a confidential, non-commercial, e-mail distribution list for the dissemination of information about our communities. Every effort is made to limit the notifications to Indiana-oriented items. Some items of significant interest at a regional or national level are also disseminated.
Listings are free to businesses which are supportive of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered Communities of Indiana. Businesses show their support by courting the GLBT dollar, hiring from the GLBT Commmunity, or they are owned by GLBT Community Members. We now also have available enhanced business listings that allows your business to stand out on the page.
Listings are free to not-for-profit organizations serving the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered Communities of Indiana. Information should be submitted to .
Free to not-for-profit organizations serving the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Communities of Indiana. For each hosted organization, a directory is created to house the HTML and graphic files. Groups perform their own HTML creation and maintenance and are provided with an on-line access tool (similar to FTP) for adding, deleting, and modifying files. You may contact the GayIndy.Org webmaster via e-mail at .
E-mail Addresses
Free to not-for-profit organizations serving the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered Communities of Indiana. For each e-mail account your group or organization would like to have, a forwarding address is specfied. Any mail received at GayIndy.Org addresses is automatically forwarded without delay. The target e-mail account remains confidential. In this manner, a consistent e-mail address can be published while the volunteer handling the e-mail can change from time-to-time without requiring a change in your published e-mail address!