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Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives
Background & History
The Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives began as the personal book and memorabilia collection of founder Michael Bohr, who still acts as a staff member of the library today. When Diversity, Inc. had facilities as a community center, the Library and Archives found its home there, and eventually Michael donated the library to Diversity, Inc.
Donations of thousands of books and other historical items from the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community have helped the library grow to its present size. It is now a major resource provided by the Diversity, Inc. to the community. The Diversity Center closed its doors, and the Library and Archives moved to its new location on Massachusetts Avenue in March of 2000. In the spring of 2001 the library was moved to its present location at the Central Christian Church at 701 N. Deleware.
Chris Gonzalez was a prominent member of the GLBT Indianapolis community and the founder of IYG which serves gay and lesbian youth. He was lost untimely, as so many others have been, to AIDS. The Library is dedicated to his memory.
The Library is a volunteer effort. The 'Friends of the Library' who provide staffing are unpaid volunteers and the library is totally dependent upon donations for materials and supplies.