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Home > Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives > Donations to the Library

Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives

Donations to the Library

Books and Other Memorabilia

Donations of thousands of books and other historical information from the GLBT community have made the CG Library and Archives what it is today. The Library gladly accepts donations of books or other materials within the following guidelines:

Certain criteria regarding the amount of gay content necessary for a books' inclusion in the library have been established. Material which does not meet this criteria will be sold or re-donated to other organizations.

The Library keeps only 3-4 copies of any one book. Copies in the best condition are retained and excess copies will be sold or re-donated to other organizations.

The Library will gladly assume the task of sorting out donations according to these guidelines, so please donate material even if you are uncertain about it. Any questions or suggestions you may have are welcome. Please direct them to our .

Financial Donations

The Library's chief operating costs are rent and utilities, which are covered by library memberships, fundraising activities, and generous donations from the community. You can become a member or donate money to Diversity, Inc. to support the Library and Archives. Find out how!


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