GayIndy.Org News
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Indianapolis-- Citing financial difficulties, Diversity, Inc. has announced it is discontinuing its relationship with the Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives, the city's only gay and lesbian library. According to a letter sent to library founder and director Michael Bohr, Diversity will continue providing financial support until December 31, 2002. At that point complete control of the library will revert to Bohr per the agreement signed by the two parties in September 2000.
Diversity's role in the library has been strictly fiduciary according to Diversity president Barbara Burcham, while Bohr has maintained his vision and control over the day-to-day operations of the library.
Diversity, Inc. is a volunteer-staffed not-for-profit organization whose mission is to provide information to the GLBT community in central Indiana, which it does primarily through this website (GayIndy.Org).
The CGLA is one of the largest gay and lesbian libraries in the midwest, with over 4,500 individual titles and over 10,000 volumes. The archives contain complete sets of local GLBT publications, some dating back to the 1960's, as well as other historical memorabilia.
"We are very saddened that support for the library has continued to decrease" writes Burcham in a recently published letter to the community. "It is our sincere desire that the valuable resource of the library will continue to survive and that someone will come forward and make that a reality."
Individuals and organizations interested in supporting the library may contact Michael Bohr during the library's open hours, which are Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5 pm. The library is located at 701 N. Delaware in the Central Christian Church in Indianapolis.
GayIndy.Org is a project of Diversity, Inc.