Legal Notice
GayIndy.Org is a non-commercial volunteer operated public website whose sole purpose is to serve the GLBT community of Indianapolis, Indiana and surrounding areas for the betterment and advancement of said community. Any advertising that appears on this site is provided free to not-for-profit organizations, or occasionally to not-for profit and/or commercial enterprises in exchange for small value services such as technical assistance, site promotion, and booth space at local events. No funds are ever collected or distributed by GayIndy.Org.
Copyright and Re-Use of Material
All materials posted on this site are subject to copyrights owned by GayIndy.Org and other individuals or entities. Any reproduction, retransmission or republication of all or any part of a document on this site for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited without the express written consent of GayIndy.Org or the copyright owner except as noted below. All other rights are expressly reserved.
The following terms and conditions apply to reproduction or republication of News Items from Gayindy.Org. This includes any items in the GayIndy.Org Local News, Upcoming Events, and News Archive sections:
- Items with no byline may be used freely with no permission needed, and no credit to GayIndy.Org is required.
- All items on the Upcoming Events page may be used freely and with no permission needed, and redistribution of these items is encouraged. No credit to GayIndy.Org is required.
- Items marked "GayIndy.Org News," and/or containing the byline "by Jeff Newman" may be used providing credit to GayIndy.Org is given, and in the case of web re-publishing, a link back to GayIndy.Org must be provided. Individual credit to Jeff Newman is optional.
- Items with any byline other than "by Jeff Newman" may not be used without express written consent.
Listings and other Items not clearly marked as "News" or "Events" may not be re-used or re-distributed without prior written consent.
Without the prior written consent of GayIndy.Org no names, trademarks, service marks nor logo of GayIndy.Org appearing on this site may be used in any advertising or publicity or otherwise where such use might indicate GayIndy.Org's sponsorship or affiliation with any product or service.
You may establish a hypertext link to this site providing the link does not state or imply any sponsorship of your site by GayIndy.Org. However, you may not frame any of the content of this site, or incorporate into another website or other service any intellectual property of GayIndy.Org
At times this site includes direct access to other Internet sites. GayIndy.Org takes no responsibility for the information or content contained in those sites, nor does it exercise any control thereof.
Business and Organizations Listing
The business and organizations listing on GayIndy.Org are submitted by the businesses and organizations themselves, and GayIndy.Org is not responsible for the accuracy of these submissions or any claims made therein. GayIndy.Org reserves the right to edit, reclassify, revise, refuse, or cancel any submissions at any time, at its sole discretion.
Classified Ads
All classified advertising is "3rd party," and GayIndy.Org is not responsible for any products or services advertised here, including but not limited to implied warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. GayIndy keeps no personal information on Classified Advertisers, and any contact with said advertisers is at the buyer's risk. GayIndy.Org reserves the right to edit, reclassify, revise, refuse, or cancel any advertisement at any time, at its sole discretion.
Privacy Policy
Information Collection and Use
GayIndy.Org is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. Any information submitted or collected by this website is solely for the use of GayIndy.Org. for the purpose of non-commercial community service. We will not sell, share or rent this information to others for any reason.
Log Files
We use IP addresses to administer the site, track user movement and gather demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to identifiable information.
This website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. Please read the privacy statements of each website that collects identifiable information.
GayIndy's eList (listserv) is considered confidential; however, this is by request to its members only. While no posts remain on a web server for public or search engine access, it is a public listserv, and all previous posts can be retrieved via email by any subscriber with fairly well-known commands. Thus, technically all posts to the GayIndy.Org listserv are public record, and consideration should be given to this fact prior to posting.
Subscription to the GayIndy.Org is automated and unrestricted; however, we reserve the right to deny subscription, or remove a subscriber form the list, at the sole discretion of the site administrator.
Security & Passwords
This website takes every precaution to protect users' information. We do not collect sensitive information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, thus no SSL encryption is provided for information submitted. Precautions have been taken in webform design to protect passwords and other information submitted via these forms; however, it is strongly advised that passwords used on GayIndy.Org be unique to this site and not used elsewhere.
Questions or concerns about privacy should be directed to