Central Indiana's Virtual GLBT Community Center

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Community of Love Observes World AIDS Day

The Community of Love will host their 3rd annual World AIDS Day Reception and Outstanding Dedication Award Presentation from 5-8 p.m., Monday, December 1, 2003.

Since 1988, Dec.1st has been designated as World Aids Day. This year's theme is "Live and Let Live". Stigma and discrimination are major obstacles to effective HIV/AIDS prevention, HIV stigma and fear of discrimination prevents people living with HIV from acknowledging their HIV status publicly. People with, or suspected of having, HIV may be turned away from health care services, denied housing and employment, shunned by their friends and colleagues, turned down for insurance coverage or refused entry into foreign countries.

Community of Love was formed after the closing of Indianapolis' only HIV/AIDS nursing home, and in response to the continuing needs of the HIV/AIDS population. Community of Love's vision is to "Value all Families", and is carried out through support services including testing, educational programs, speakers, social/spiritual support gatherings, and an annual youth conference, for ages 14-21 entitled Teach One About HIV/AIDS- Pass The Knowledge On. .The World AIDS Day reception is a culmination of all their services and those of collaborative partners to continue the commitment to those living with HIV/AIDS.

The 2003 event will include a dinner reception, raffle, silent auction, and fashion show dedicated to HIV/AIDS survivors by La' Bush Designs. During the evening, Community of Love will present several Outstanding Dedication Awards. Coby Palmer will receive the Outstanding Dedication Award in the Individual category; Channels of Hope will receive the award for a community-based organization; and Eastern Star Outreach Ministry will receive the Community Partner Award. All proceeds from the raffle and silent auction will be used to further Community Of Love's mission and for the opening of a transitional housing facility for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Sponsors of the event include the Indiana State Department of Health, Abbott Pharmaceuticals, and Bristol Myers Squibb. Fox 59's Derrick Wilkerson will emcee the event for the 2nd consecutive year.

The event is free and open to the public. The dinner reception will be held at the Westin, Downtown Indianapolis, located at 50 South Capitol Avenue. For more information, contact Rev. Marie Siroky at (317) 722-0035

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