
Posted: March 5, 2003

Fairness Alliance Urges Voter Registration

GayIndy.Org News

"Off-year" elections typically result in low voter turnout, which the Greater Indianapolis Fairness Alliance (GIFA) believes presents an opportunity for gains for the local GLBT community.

"The fact that many of our opponents will not bother to vote in an off-year election can allow us to have a significant impact at the polls" states Mark St. John, a local lobbyist and member of the Alliance, adding that "this is an important election cycle for our issues."

Step one in the Alliance's "get out the vote" drive is ensuring that people are registered to vote, which must be done prior to April 4th for the May 6th primary election. Members of GIFA were present at the recent performances of comediennes Margaret Cho and Suzanne Westenhoefer to assist the community in voter registration.

According to Ruth Peters, who is spearheading the voter registration effort, anyone who has moved since the last election will need to re-register; if you are uncertain it is best to re-register to be sure you are able to vote.

If you are a Marion county resident, you can check to see if you are registered and find out your precinct location by using an automated service, the Marion County Voter Hotline. The number is 327-5100.

Voter registration materials are available at OutWord Bound Book Store or at the Election Board in the City County Building in downtown Indianapolis.

GIFA is urging the community to vote in both the primary and the general elections, and will soon be offering a voter's guide to assist the community and its supporters. To sign up to receive a copy of this guide or to find out more about voter registration, you can contact the Greater Indiana Fairness Alliance at [email protected]

"We are issuing a call to action," states Mary Byrne, chair of the GIFA steering committee. "Register. Get your friends to register. It's the first step. Then sign up for the voter's guide and make your vote count!"