Indianapolis-- The first annual GBLT Calendar is now out and available at gay Establishments in the Indianapolis area. The calendar was created by the Gay Business Alliance as a fundraiser for Indiana Youth Group. Ads were sold to pay for the calendar, so it is offered free to the public; however, donations will be accepted on behalf of IYG.
The photographs were taken by local photographer Mark Lee, and Brian Simmons designed the calendar. The calendar features local events such as the dates for HRC Duckpin bowling and the IN Pride festival.
In addition to local events, queer dates in history can be found in the back of the calendar, including such notable events as the anniversary of the Harvey Milk assassination along with a few just-for-fun dates such as the premiere of Dynasty.
Ads from local GBLT and gay friendly establishments can be found throughout, and coupons for local establishments are also found in the back. The calendar also contains a directory of local GBLT businesses.