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Join the GayIndy News & Discussion List! For over 10 years the GayIndy listserv has been the #1 online communication vehicle for central Indiana's GLBT community. Sometimes provocative, always informative, and seldom dull, the GayIndy eList will keep you in touch by email with news and events, local and statewide political activities, and much more! Subscribe to the list! GayIndy's non-commercial e-mail distribution list is open to all for the dissemination of information about the Indianapolis GLBT community, and for discussion of topics of interest to the community. How to PostAfter subscribing, you can post to the list by sending an email message to . We highly recommend "listening in" on the discussions for a few days after you subscribe to see what our list is about before you post. While members of the GayIndy eList are required to exercise common sense and netiquette in regards to confidentiality, it is a public listserv, thus technically all posts to the GayIndy.Org list are public record. Consideration of this fact should be given prior to posting. See our legal notice and privacy policy for more information. |
What is this thing anyway?
Information about the proposed Constitutional Amendment along with the wording of the amendment in it's entirety.
Some Ramifications
The Indiana Action Network discusses some of the unintended consequences and dangers of the amendment to unmarried couples both gay and straight.
Refuting Their Arguments (PDF)
Do you occasionally get stumped when trying to answer the arguments of our opponents? This is a direct download link to a PDF document by Jeremy Townsley that thoroughly and factually addresses the pro-amendment arguments. A must read!
What Can I do?
Steps you can take to fight back this unwarranted attack! For more information, please visit Indiana Equality |