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Indy Gay Basketball Association

Come Join Us!
FRIDAY: We currently play Co-ed Pick Up games at Indy Sports (click for map) on the Northeast side on Franklin Rd., near Pendleton Pike from 8pm-10pm. The cost is $5.00 per member and $7 per non-member and should be paid inside. Memberships are only $10 per year.

New Players Welcome!
New recreational players are always welcome.

We are looking for new nights, times and locations, so keep checking back.


The purpose of the Indy Gay Basketball Association (IGBA) is to provide a formal structure for a recreational basketball league in the Indianapolis area. Sponsored activities shall be inclusive and individuals shall be free from discrimination based on race, religion, creed, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political belief(s), athletic ability, physical challenge or HIV status. Emphasis is on the participation of members in the gay community. The IGBA also provides for social activities for its membership. Moreover, the IGBA is committed to provide charitable donations to the community.