Rainbow Line
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Our Brief History

Friday, Nov. 15 - IGBA Thanksgiving Pitch and Second Member Meeting Two ammendments to the By Laws and lots of great food!

Fall 2002 - First IGBA Team in league

Saturday, Oct. 12 - IGBA Game Night Our first ever game night social event held at AB and MP's- a HUGE success and a BLAST! Tim and Drew dominated the Euchre Tourney.

Sunday, Sept. 22 - Indy AIDS Walk A small team participated and raised money.

Saturday, Aug. 10 - Indy Pride Fayre recruiting event on a hot August afternoon.

Saturday, July 20, 2002 - First IGBA Election (and Pitch-In). Officers of the Executive Committee were voted in and the By-Laws were accepted by the members. The first officers are: Ron, President; Jeremy, Vice President; Drew, Secretary; Chris, Treasurer; Mark, Member Representing Men. The Women's Rep position was tabled. The event was held at the Jesus MCC and hosted by Jeff and David.

Friday May 17, 2002 - First IGBA Organizational Meeting and Pitch-In. Plans were made to make a formal organization, a Provisional Committee was selected.

May 24 - 26, 2002 - Team Our Place travels to the Atlanta Sports Classic Basketball Tournament. Thanks to Phil, from Greg's/Our Place for sponsoring us!

April 12- 14, 2002 - CHICAGO HOOPS CLASSIC XII - we had two men's and one women's team compete in the tourney. There were many social events, including the Closing Party at Crobar. PICTURES COMING SOON.

Oct. 2001 - Unity Basketball League renamed Indy Gay Basketball Association so that our group would not be mistaken for other groups.

Sept. 2001 - Indy Street Fayre - Fun in the Sept. sun trying to recruit new players. PHOTOS

Spring 2001 - Jesus MCC Co-ed team - Participated in "phantom league" at Indy Sports. The league's demise led to the rebirth of Unity League, now the IGBA, in a new location, Indy Sports!

Spring 2000 - took break for summer... ended up being a little longer than summer.

March 1999 - First Indianapolis team to participate in the Windy City Classic. Third place finish!

Sept. 1998 - Unity League recruiting at the Indy Street Fayre.

August 1998 - two guys had a dream... a gay basketball dream. Jim and Dean started the Unity Basketball League. Play was on Sundays at 6 p.m. at the Watkins Center, MLK St.
