Central Indiana's Virtual GLBT Community Center


Hepatitis A & B Immunizations

Hepatitis is a serious infection that can lead to liver problems. There are three types of Hepatitis, and they are Hepatitis A, B and C. Currently only Hepatitis A and B have vaccinations available.

The Marion County Health Department provides Hepatitis A and B vaccinations for anyone who has been exposed to a confirmed case, at no charge. Hepatitis A vaccine is a single shot and Hepatitis B vaccine is a series of three shots. For example, Hepatitis B vaccination is an injection today, an injection in one month, and another injection in six months. The vaccination series must be completed and completed in a timely fashion as described above for it to be effective.

Someone who is not sure if they have been exposed or not, can be tested for Hepatitis A, B or even C. Testing can be done at a physicians office or through the Health Department at various neighborhood clinics.

For more information on Hepatitis, please call the Marion County Health Department, Acute and Chronic Disease Program at 317-221-2000.


Some Hepatitis B Facts:

Hepatitis B is over 100 times easier to contract than HIV

Up to 70% of gay and bisexual men have already been infected with HBV.

Gay and bisexual men who have multiple partners are 10 to 15 times more likely to acquire HBV than the general population.

Only about half of people who are infected with HBV get symptoms.

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