Hepatitis is a serious infection that can lead to liver problems. There are three types of Hepatitis, and they are Hepatitis A, B and C. Currently only Hepatitis A and B have vaccinations available.
The Marion County Health Department provides Hepatitis A and B vaccinations for anyone who has been exposed to a confirmed case, at no charge. Hepatitis A vaccine is a single shot and Hepatitis B vaccine is a series of three shots. For example, Hepatitis B vaccination is an injection today, an injection in one month, and another injection in six months. The vaccination series must be completed and completed in a timely fashion as described above for it to be effective.
Someone who is not sure if they have been exposed or not, can be tested for Hepatitis A, B or even C. Testing can be done at a physicians office or through the Health Department at various neighborhood clinics.
For more information on Hepatitis, please call the Marion County Health Department, Acute and Chronic Disease Program at 317-221-2000.